GIS ClimateChange TDS Service
THREDDS Data Server
Catalog http://localhost:8080/thredds/catalog/globalmonthly/catalog.html
Dataset: globalmonthly/Best Time Series
Data type:
Best time series, taking the data from the most recent run available.
ci (1)
Fraction of Time Convection Occurs
= convection_time_fraction
cimax (1)
Fraction of Time Convection Occurs
= convection_time_fraction
cimin (1)
Fraction of Time Convection Occurs
= convection_time_fraction
clivi (kg m-2)
Ice Water Path
= atmosphere_cloud_ice_content
clivimax (kg m-2)
Ice Water Path
= atmosphere_cloud_ice_content
clivimin (kg m-2)
Ice Water Path
= atmosphere_cloud_ice_content
clt (%)
Total Cloud Fraction
= cloud_area_fraction
cltmax (%)
Total Cloud Fraction
= cloud_area_fraction
cltmin (%)
Total Cloud Fraction
= cloud_area_fraction
clwvi (kg m-2)
Condensed Water Path
= atmosphere_cloud_condensed_water_content
clwvimax (kg m-2)
Condensed Water Path
= atmosphere_cloud_condensed_water_content
clwvimin (kg m-2)
Condensed Water Path
= atmosphere_cloud_condensed_water_content
evspsbl (kg m-2 s-1)
= water_evaporation_flux
evspsblmax (kg m-2 s-1)
= water_evaporation_flux
evspsblmin (kg m-2 s-1)
= water_evaporation_flux
hfls (W m-2)
Surface Upward Latent Heat Flux
= surface_upward_latent_heat_flux
hflsmax (W m-2)
Surface Upward Latent Heat Flux
= surface_upward_latent_heat_flux
hflsmin (W m-2)
Surface Upward Latent Heat Flux
= surface_upward_latent_heat_flux
hfss (W m-2)
Surface Upward Sensible Heat Flux
= surface_upward_sensible_heat_flux
hfssmax (W m-2)
Surface Upward Sensible Heat Flux
= surface_upward_sensible_heat_flux
hfssmin (W m-2)
Surface Upward Sensible Heat Flux
= surface_upward_sensible_heat_flux
hurs (%)
Near-Surface Relative Humidity
= relative_humidity
hursave (%)
Near-Surface Relative Humidity
= relative_humidity
hursmax (%)
Near-Surface Relative Humidity
= relative_humidity
hursmin (%)
Near-Surface Relative Humidity
= relative_humidity
huss (1)
Near-Surface Specific Humidity
= specific_humidity
hussave (1)
Near-Surface Specific Humidity
= specific_humidity
hussmax (1)
Near-Surface Specific Humidity
= specific_humidity
hussmin (1)
Near-Surface Specific Humidity
= specific_humidity
ppt (mm/month)
= precipitation_flux
pr (kg m-2 s-1)
= precipitation_flux
prc (kg m-2 s-1)
Convective Precipitation
= convective_precipitation_flux
prcmax (kg m-2 s-1)
Convective Precipitation
= convective_precipitation_flux
prcmin (kg m-2 s-1)
Convective Precipitation
= convective_precipitation_flux
prmax (kg m-2 s-1)
= precipitation_flux
prmin (kg m-2 s-1)
= precipitation_flux
prsn (kg m-2 s-1)
Snowfall Flux
= snowfall_flux
prsnmax (kg m-2 s-1)
Snowfall Flux
= snowfall_flux
prsnmin (kg m-2 s-1)
Snowfall Flux
= snowfall_flux
prw (kg m-2)
Water Vapor Path
= atmosphere_water_vapor_content
prwmax (kg m-2)
Water Vapor Path
= atmosphere_water_vapor_content
prwmin (kg m-2)
Water Vapor Path
= atmosphere_water_vapor_content
ps (Pa)
Surface Air Pressure
= surface_air_pressure
psl (Pa)
Sea Level Pressure
= air_pressure_at_sea_level
pslmax (Pa)
Sea Level Pressure
= air_pressure_at_sea_level
pslmin (Pa)
Sea Level Pressure
= air_pressure_at_sea_level
psmax (Pa)
Surface Air Pressure
= surface_air_pressure
psmin (Pa)
Surface Air Pressure
= surface_air_pressure
rlds (W m-2)
Surface Downwelling Longwave Radiation
= surface_downwelling_longwave_flux_in_air
rldscs (W m-2)
Surface Downwelling Clear-Sky Longwave Radiation
= surface_downwelling_longwave_flux_in_air_assuming_clear_sky
rldscsmax (W m-2)
Surface Downwelling Clear-Sky Longwave Radiation
= surface_downwelling_longwave_flux_in_air_assuming_clear_sky
rldscsmin (W m-2)
Surface Downwelling Clear-Sky Longwave Radiation
= surface_downwelling_longwave_flux_in_air_assuming_clear_sky
rldsmax (W m-2)
Surface Downwelling Longwave Radiation
= surface_downwelling_longwave_flux_in_air
rldsmin (W m-2)
Surface Downwelling Longwave Radiation
= surface_downwelling_longwave_flux_in_air
rlus (W m-2)
Surface Upwelling Longwave Radiation
= surface_upwelling_longwave_flux_in_air
rlusmax (W m-2)
Surface Upwelling Longwave Radiation
= surface_upwelling_longwave_flux_in_air
rlusmin (W m-2)
Surface Upwelling Longwave Radiation
= surface_upwelling_longwave_flux_in_air
rlut (W m-2)
TOA Outgoing Longwave Radiation
= toa_outgoing_longwave_flux
rlutcs (W m-2)
TOA Outgoing Clear-Sky Longwave Radiation
= toa_outgoing_longwave_flux_assuming_clear_sky
rlutcsmax (W m-2)
TOA Outgoing Clear-Sky Longwave Radiation
= toa_outgoing_longwave_flux_assuming_clear_sky
rlutcsmin (W m-2)
TOA Outgoing Clear-Sky Longwave Radiation
= toa_outgoing_longwave_flux_assuming_clear_sky
rlutmax (W m-2)
TOA Outgoing Longwave Radiation
= toa_outgoing_longwave_flux
rlutmin (W m-2)
TOA Outgoing Longwave Radiation
= toa_outgoing_longwave_flux
rsds (W m-2)
Surface Downwelling Shortwave Radiation
= surface_downwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air
rsdscs (W m-2)
Surface Downwelling Clear-Sky Shortwave Radiation
= surface_downwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air_assuming_clear_sky
rsdscsmax (W m-2)
Surface Downwelling Clear-Sky Shortwave Radiation
= surface_downwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air_assuming_clear_sky
rsdscsmin (W m-2)
Surface Downwelling Clear-Sky Shortwave Radiation
= surface_downwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air_assuming_clear_sky
rsdsmax (W m-2)
Surface Downwelling Shortwave Radiation
= surface_downwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air
rsdsmin (W m-2)
Surface Downwelling Shortwave Radiation
= surface_downwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air
rsdt (W m-2)
TOA Incident Shortwave Radiation
= toa_incoming_shortwave_flux
rsdtmax (W m-2)
TOA Incident Shortwave Radiation
= toa_incoming_shortwave_flux
rsdtmin (W m-2)
TOA Incident Shortwave Radiation
= toa_incoming_shortwave_flux
rsus (W m-2)
Surface Upwelling Shortwave Radiation
= surface_upwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air
rsuscs (W m-2)
Surface Upwelling Clear-Sky Shortwave Radiation
= surface_upwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air_assuming_clear_sky
rsuscsmax (W m-2)
Surface Upwelling Clear-Sky Shortwave Radiation
= surface_upwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air_assuming_clear_sky
rsuscsmin (W m-2)
Surface Upwelling Clear-Sky Shortwave Radiation
= surface_upwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air_assuming_clear_sky
rsusmax (W m-2)
Surface Upwelling Shortwave Radiation
= surface_upwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air
rsusmin (W m-2)
Surface Upwelling Shortwave Radiation
= surface_upwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air
rsut (W m-2)
TOA Outgoing Shortwave Radiation
= toa_outgoing_shortwave_flux
rsutcs (W m-2)
TOA Outgoing Clear-Sky Shortwave Radiation
= toa_outgoing_shortwave_flux_assuming_clear_sky
rsutcsmax (W m-2)
TOA Outgoing Clear-Sky Shortwave Radiation
= toa_outgoing_shortwave_flux_assuming_clear_sky
rsutcsmin (W m-2)
TOA Outgoing Clear-Sky Shortwave Radiation
= toa_outgoing_shortwave_flux_assuming_clear_sky
rsutmax (W m-2)
TOA Outgoing Shortwave Radiation
= toa_outgoing_shortwave_flux
rsutmin (W m-2)
TOA Outgoing Shortwave Radiation
= toa_outgoing_shortwave_flux
rtmt (W m-2)
Net Downward Flux at Top of Model
= net_downward_radiative_flux_at_top_of_atmosphere_model
rtmtmax (W m-2)
Net Downward Flux at Top of Model
= net_downward_radiative_flux_at_top_of_atmosphere_model
rtmtmin (W m-2)
Net Downward Flux at Top of Model
= net_downward_radiative_flux_at_top_of_atmosphere_model
sci (1)
Fraction of Time Shallow Convection Occurs
= shallow_convection_time_fraction
scimax (1)
Fraction of Time Shallow Convection Occurs
= shallow_convection_time_fraction
scimin (1)
Fraction of Time Shallow Convection Occurs
= shallow_convection_time_fraction
tas (K)
Near-Surface Air Temperature
= air_temperature
tasmax (K)
Daily Maximum Near-Surface Air Temperature
= air_temperature
tasmaxmax (K)
Daily Maximum Near-Surface Air Temperature
= air_temperature
tasmaxmin (K)
Daily Maximum Near-Surface Air Temperature
= air_temperature
tasmin (K)
Near-Surface Air Temperature
= air_temperature
tasminmax (K)
Daily Minimum Near-Surface Air Temperature
= air_temperature
tasminmin (K)
Daily Minimum Near-Surface Air Temperature
= air_temperature
tauu (Pa)
Surface Downward Eastward Wind Stress
= surface_downward_eastward_stress
tauumax (Pa)
Surface Downward Eastward Wind Stress
= surface_downward_eastward_stress
tauumin (Pa)
Surface Downward Eastward Wind Stress
= surface_downward_eastward_stress
tauv (Pa)
Surface Downward Northward Wind Stress
= surface_downward_northward_stress
tauvmax (Pa)
Surface Downward Northward Wind Stress
= surface_downward_northward_stress
tauvmin (Pa)
Surface Downward Northward Wind Stress
= surface_downward_northward_stress
ts (K)
Surface Temperature
= surface_temperature
tsmax (K)
Surface Temperature
= surface_temperature
tsmin (K)
Surface Temperature
= surface_temperature
-180.0 to 178.75 degrees_east
-90.0 to 90.0 degrees_north
Godiva2 (browser-based)
NetCDF-Java ToolsUI (webstart)
Integrated Data Viewer (IDV) (webstart)